Yeah, I wanted to make it as small as possible – but you know, it was a year of my life – it’s not so easy to put it n a small article:)
I wanted to add some re-bounce to my game at first: when someone hit the wall – not just stop it, but push back – like real metal box hitting. Then I wanted to add acceleration for my tanks. And all those things – at first -I tried to create by myself. I really started to write my own physics engine! Found some books about physics in games, opened some forums – with basics of math for physics (well, you should know at least school program about those topics – you knew that?:)). And started to write all those things – like Vector2d, CollisionResolver, IntersectFixer, etc. Anybody try to do same things? If so, you should understand such things – and how fun (serious) it is to write them. Here is some of my examples:
Yea, it was really fun:) I really love physics in games, so – tried each day to make it better in my “own engine”. All my thoughts was like in that fun stories:
– A Circle and a Rectangle went into the Ground………
And so on:) But soon – I realized that there are so much problems still with it, and I spend so much time for it, and need to spend even more – if I want to finalize work. In that moment I decided to go into some 3rd side physics library (yeah, I still wanted to add physics – into that simple game, imagine?:)). After some research – I found Box2d. It’s really cool as for me, and do all those things that was required for my “project”. I added it to my project, made a basic setup – and found out that it’s pretty cool.
Now – it was time to add some effects (I could not calm down at all). I created my own particles system with particles manager, and you know – it was pretty cool – just check screenshot:
See that smoke line on screen? That’s it – this is how my particles worked. I was pretty much excited with that results – and decided to create more effects – with animations. Explosions – in several guises – was created. I liked the work I made, it was time to finish it – add some additional small features and leave it alone. But ……